In recognition of Earth Day, I've invited my good friend and fellow animal advocate, Lisa Q., to guest blog on the topic of environmentalism and veganism. In her frequent outreach, Lisa passionately alerts the public to the reality that unless we all adopt a vegan lifestyle, we truly will never tackle our global climate crisis.
Without further ado, here's Lisa:
When Al Gore made “An Inconvenient Truth” it soon followed that “global warming”, now called “climate change”, was a hot topic and eventually “environment” was no longer a dirty word. I will be eternally grateful for the progress I have seen for the environment, and do credit Al Gore, but I am among those who are very disappointed with some of the weak spots in his message. Like most “environmentalists”, Al Gore is not even vegetarian, so maybe that is why he was unable to bring himself to inform the pubic that animal agriculture is arguably responsible for more environmental devastation than any other industry, and that going vegan will save the earth.
No other industry can claim this much environmental crime: Animal agriculture is responsible for creating far more greenhouse gasses than all forms of mechanized transportation combined; it is responsible for consuming our limited supply of water and 70% of all crops grown; while it is consuming the water it is also the largest source of water pollution; it is the reason that 70% of the deforested Amazon rainforest was clear cut (for grazing land).
I am sure Al Gore knew many of the facts that led the United Nations to publish Livestock's Long Shadow, a 2006 report that details many of the ways animal agriculture is killing our planet through pollution and resource depletion. Keep in mind that as strong as it is, it was still written by people who I highly doubt are vegetarian themselves, so you may notice how hard it is for them to state the obvious, that we must stop eating animals to save the earth.
It is very common to see environmental tips listed in the media now (Again, thank you Mr. Gore). I was pleasantly shocked the first time I saw a “ways to go green” list in the conservative Reader’s Digest. But even in the most progressive publications, the most commonly suggested green tip is to reduce your carbon emissions through reducing your mechanized travel. That is a fine tip, but not if you omit the fact that animal agriculture is responsible for far more greenhouse gasses than all forms of mechanized travel combined. You can drive a Hummer daily and still not do as much damage as you do by not being vegan. Sure, it helps if you can buy a fuel efficient vehicle and avoid travel, but if you really want to cut greenhouse gasses you must go vegan first.
Ironically, some of Mr. Gore’s most boisterous critics complain that his frequent travel by jet is proof of his hypocrisy. At least Mr. Gore buys carbon offsets, and I am not sure that he would be safe on regular planes, but in reality if they really wanted to complain they would point out that he is not vegan.
Greening tips are often expensive, too. They want us to seal our homes, install solar panels, buy hybrid cars or conversion kits, buy offsets, etc. You can go vegan without spending any additional money at all and still do more for the environment than all of those expensive tips combined.
Has someone told you to turn off the water while you brush your teeth? Great idea, but if you are in the US and had half a pound (pre-cooked weight) of hamburger for dinner, you wasted an average of 15 gallons of water and 6 pounds of grain.
I am glad that someone cares about reducing mercury in our water. It is very disturbing that this is allowed to happen in the first place. We need to make sure that the EPA’s clean water funding is not cut. Still, runoff from animal agriculture and chemicals used in tanneries is the largest source of water pollution. The ammonia from animals we raise to eat causes acid rain. Animal agriculture dumps raw sewage into our water! In addition to algae blooms which absorb the oxygen in the water, and the listeria we see in the news, the sewage from animal agriculture contains antibiotics and hormones!
It is much easier now to get affordable recycled copy paper, renewable this, no old- growth that. At an Earth Day celebration I was offered a tree to plant. How is that going to bring back the rainforest?? I’d like to see a constant reminder that 70% of the deforested rain forest was not actually cut down for paper or furniture, but it was clear cut to make room for grazing land! I don’t need to plant a tree, when going vegan saves an entire rain forest.
The crisis we now face is so urgent that we cannot continue to avoid the cold hard fact that if we want to survive we must go vegan.
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Excellent post!
>>> At an Earth Day celebration I was offered a tree to plant. How is that going to bring back the rainforest?? <<<
Seems like a mostly vacuous, feel-good gesture, not a solution.
>>>I’d like to see a constant reminder that 70% of the deforested rain forest was not actually cut down for paper or furniture, but it was clear cut to make room for grazing land!<<<
Amen! That would make a great poster or advertisement.
Way to go, Lisa!!! You said it well, my friend!
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